Two Dandy Queries for SPDX

In case you haven’t heard, the Linux Foundation develops and promotes SPDX – a standard for documenting the external components used in your software. This standard covers the things that a simple “ingredients label” would not. Usage and licensing of components (which can be far more fluid than one may expect), origins of components, and… Continue reading Two Dandy Queries for SPDX


My first (and only) axiom of culture

Like all my other posts, this post is entirely my own opinion and not may not reflect the opinions of my employers, past and present. A week ago, I finished reading Dan Lyons’ real-life tragic comedy “Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Startup Bubble“. It has left me uneasy. Among other tech startup evils, Lyons turns the spotlight on… Continue reading My first (and only) axiom of culture


Independence Day Time Warp

Let’s see how familiar you are with Java 8’s new Date/Time classes. ZonedDateTime americasBirthday =   ZonedDateTime.of(1776, 7, 4, 9, 1, 2, 3, ZoneId.of(“America/New_York”)); (I actually have no idea exactly at what time the Declaration of Independence was read that day, but that’s thoroughly beside the point). So question: what does this print? System.out.println(  americasBirthday.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of(“UTC”))); If you said… Continue reading Independence Day Time Warp